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Our Volunteers

NUBAO is especially grateful to our volunteers, many of whom have contributed precious time and spent considerable effort in helping out with the planning and organization of events. 

Content development volunteers

General Committee

Torben Noto 

Priscilla Ambrioso

Camille Guzman

Ashley Holloway

Gabriela Lopez

Caren Nassif

Chelsea Rugel

Kelsey Wright


Neurodegenerative Diseases Commitee

Tamar Gefen, Ph.D.

Allegra Kawles

Makayla Kochheiser

Jaclyn Lilek

Grace Minogue

Rhiana Schafer


Event volunteers


Amira Affaneh

Angel Alvarez, Ph.D.

Grace Bellinger

Alexander Cates

Jennie Chen

Chris Cyr

Michaël Elbaz, Ph.D.

Janessa Engelmeyer

Sara Freda

Caterina Gratton, Ph.D.

Camille Guzman

Elena He

Ania Holubecki

Andrew Jo

Andrew Fleming

Soojin Kim

Zach Ludwig

Caren Nassif

Ben Norton

Rachel O'Sullivan

Owen Shelton

Sandra Weintraub, Ph.D.

Jane Stocks

Eitan Schechtman

Michaela Novakovic

Sara Freda

Donnisa Edmonds

Nicolette Moya

Sajishnu Savya

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